28 tiny RGB LED pixels in a single row that just slip right onto your Raspberry Pi's pins, no soldering required! LED SHIM is ideal for status updates, notifications, a VU meter, or as a bar graph for sensor readings.
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- 28 RGB LED pixels
- IS31FL3731 LED matrix driver chip
- Solderless, friction-fit header
- Super-slim SHIM-format board
- 0.8mm thick PCB
- Can be used with HATs and pHATs
- Compatible with all 40-pin header Raspberry Pi models
- Python library
There is a one-line installer to install the LED SHIM Python library. There's a bunch of example programs to show you what's possible with LED SHIM, that you can learn from and adapt to your needs.
To run the one-line-installer, open a terminal and type the following command
curl https://get.pimoroni.com/ledshim | bash